Monday, September 21, 2009


Yet again, the Vancleave community has suffered the loss of one of their own. I did not get the opportunity to teach or get to know Chris Driebergen, but from what I understand, several of the students I DID teach were good friends of his. My heart is hurting for Chris's friends and family at this sad time. It brings back memories of when I lost MY Chris 18 1/2 years ago. Well, he wasn't just MY Chris really, but those of you who really know me UNDERSTAND what I mean.....

In the past few years, the community of Vancleave has had to endure more loss than any town should have to. Students, teachers, young, old, they have lost way too many..... To all my friends at VHS, you are all in my thoughts and prayers as you face the difficult task of saying "good-bye" to this young man, taken way too soon. I am praying especially that God will give you the strength you need to be a "rock" for the young people of VHS and the Vancleave community. We all lead and learn by example. They will need you and you will need them in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.

May God grant each of you a peace that passes all understanding.

Love and prayers,